Tuesday, February 16, 2010

soul2soul: Transform your passions into the lifestyle you deserve!

As humans do, the ocean is ever changing. There is much to learn from the ocean. First by listening close to the sounds of the crashing waves can sooth our souls allowing ourselves to be open in connecting spiritually. Second the salt water and the sand purifies our physical selves to rid ourselves of negativity and reestablish emotional equilibrium. Third the mist from the ocean gives us freedom, cleanses us giving us a renewed mind to become humble in receiving love, protection and guidence. Let us not forget the sun shining its rays upon us providing us comfort, wisdom, strength and enlightenment needed to extend our physical beings for a mental journey. Build faith with your creator, appreciate yourselves and your beauty (both inner & outer), meditate with the ocean, feel your inner power, know your destiny and receive your blessings.
Faith is the Vision of the sOuL,
sOuLineage Foundation